FAQ & Policies

Is this Starlight Studios School of Performing Arts or San Joaquin Ballet?
San Joaquin Ballet is now partnered with Starlight Studios School of Performing Arts, a well-established institution in Tracy for over a decade. This collaboration will continue to offer exceptional training across various performing arts disciplines, enhancing opportunities for students interested in ballet. By joining forces, these two entities aim to provide a comprehensive performing arts education, fostering creativity and supporting artistic development for their students.
What classes do you offer?
Ballet, Pointe, Pre- Ballet, Modern, Character, Hip Hop, Tap, Jazz, Dance Conditioning, Acting, Musical Theater, Voice, Piano and Guitar.
Do you offer classes for adults?
Yes! All of these classes are open to adults:
Ballet, Pointe, Modern, Character, Hip Hop, Tap, Jazz, Dance Conditioning, Acting, Musical Theater, Voice, Piano and Guitar.
Do you offer classes for young children?
Yes! For ages as young as two years of age we offer Pre-ballet.
For ages 4 and up we offer: Beginning Tap, Hip Hop and Jazz.
Ages 7 and up we offer Acting and Musical Theater.
Private Music Lessons; Voice, Piano and Guitar, can start at age 4-5 but it is up to teacher discretion.
Where do we register for classes?
You can sign up here: Parent Portal
or reach out to our office:
E-mail: starlightstudios@tracystars.com
or sanjoaquinballet@gmail.com
Text: (209) 643-3522
When does the season start?
Full season, which goes from August to June.
Summer session in July.
Is there a dress code?
Yes! All dress code information can be found here: dress code
All attire can be purchased here: dance attire
Or talk with our front desk!
Do you have a tuition chart?
Tuition and fees can all be found here: Tuition
When is tuition due?
Tuition paid in full is due when you sign up.
Monthly tuition is charged between the 1st and 7th of each month using Auto-pay.
Do I need to have a card on file for Auto-pay?
Yes, we require every account to have a card on file.
If you want to pay cash for your lessons, you may bring it in the first of the month and your card will not be charged.
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept credit/debit cards and cash.
Do you offer discounts?
Yes, 5% discount when fees and classes are paid in full.
We also offer packages to students that take 4 or more hours a week of classes: Tuition
Extra discounts are not eligible on packages.
What is your refund policy?
We do no offer refunds. There are no refunds or deductions for classes not attended. No refunds on seasons paid in full, month to month tuition, costume fee, music material fee, performance fees or merchandise.
Are there any additional fees?
Yes, there is a one time $25 registration.
All students: once a season $150 performance fee: This covers season pictures, performance video and liability coverage for performer.
Dance and Theater: $150 costume fee per class. Covers all costumes and outfits needed for the season.
Music Lessons: once a season $100 material fees. Covers all sheet music/books needed for the season.
When are additional fees due?
Due within 60 days of start of season.
All students starting after October additional fees are due when signing up.
Do I still have to pay additional fees if I’m not performing in the annual showcase?
Every student is asked to have a costume or outfit and take photos in during our season. Additionally, the studio participates in community events where matching outfits and/or costumes are required.
Annual showcase?
Showcase is the culmination of hard work and dedication as all our classes come together to show their talents in one spectacular performance during our season. This annual event provides a valuable opportunity for every student to further develop their skills while gaining confidence performing in front of an audience.
How long is the Season?
For all class and lessons enrollment is for the entire Season August to June.
Withdrawing from classes before the end of the semester requires a 30 days advance written notice given to our front desk.
If the semester has been paid in full, no refunds will be given for the unused tuition.
Are there any rules for students while at the studio?
Students are not allowed to enter the studio space without a teacher’s permission and should never interrupt a class in session.
Arriving late for class (more than 10 minutes) may result in the student sitting out from class.
Students are expected to show respect for their teachers and staff at all times. Inappropriate behavior could result in dismissal from the school.
Excessive absences and tardiness within a single semester may result in a student not being able to participate in any performances that semester or the necessity of private lessons (at the added expense to the parent/student) to stay caught up for performances.
How do I update my information?
You can log directly into your Parent Portal or reach out to our office.
How does the studio contact me for updates?
Updates are sent through email, phone calls, text.
If you choose to unsubscribe from our emails, you are responsible for ensuring you have any updates/ information from our office.
Can I sit inside the studio and watch my child, family member or friend in class?
Parents, family members or friends are not allowed to enter the studio space without a teacher’s permission and should never interrupt a class in session.
Family members and friends are encouraged to sit in the lobby to view class.
Can leave my children at the studio while their sibling takes class?
We ask that children be supervised at ALL times and are not free to run around the lobby or left outside without supervision.
What is your photo and video release policy?
Photograph/ Video Release
I hereby irrevocably consent to and authorize the reproduction, publication, and/any other use by Starlight Studios and grant permission to the rights of my image, likeness, and sound of my voice as recorded on audio- or videotape without payment or any other consideration. I understand that my image may be edited, copied, exhibited, published, or distributed and I waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product wherein my likeness appears. Additionally, I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of my image or recording. I also understand that this material may be used for any lawful purpose, including illustration, promotion, advertising, web content, and television.
I understand that this permission signifies that photographic or video recordings of me may be electronically displayed via the Internet or in the public setting.
There is no time limit on the validity of this release, nor is there any geographic limitation on where these materials may be distributed.
This release applies to photographic, audio, or video recordings collected as part of my classes, rehearsals, or performances for Starlight Studios.
I want to cancel my classes!
To Withdrawal from Dance or Theater classes, Private Music or Voice Lesson we require a
written 30 day advance notice, must be given to the studio; owner, front desk or sent via email: starlightstudios@tracystars.com
If the semester has been paid in full, no refunds will be given for the unused tuition.
If you choose to unsubscribe from our emails, you are responsible for ensuring you have any updates/ information from our office.